The High frEquencies, metamateRials and nONLinear Waves LABoratory (HERON LAB, of the Department of Physics of University of Thessaly and the Institute Radio Astronomy and Space Research (IRASR, https: // irasr /) of the Auckland University of Technology (AUT), signed a framework collaboration agreement on the initiative of Dr. Giorgos Veldes, Assistant Professor and Director of HERON LAB, and Professor Sergei Gulyaev, Director of IRASR.

HERON LAB is responsible for the creation of the first Hellenic Radio Telescope, called Thermopylae, by the conversion of a telecommunication antenna (very similar to the 30-metre antenna of the WRAO).
IRASR is the first (and only) radio astronomical institute in New Zealand and it develops the Radio Astronomy and its astronomical and Earth Science applications in New Zealand as it sustains the AUT Warkworth Radio Astronomical Observatory (WRAO).
The agreement establishes the framework for collaboration between HERON LAB and IRASR in domains of mutual interest, including but not limited to research and development on technologies for Radio Astronomy and Space Geodesy and the design of astronomical receivers. Moreover, exchanges of academic and administrative staff, research staff, visiting scholars and students between the Parties shall be encouraged.